Friday, September 16th, 2016
Grassroots Endorsements from Republicans, Democrats, and Independent Leaders in Every Town in Saint Lawrence County
Watertown, NY: Congresswoman Elise Stefanik today announced the endorsement of eighty-two elected officials in Saint Lawrence County. The endorsements include officials across the political spectrum – Republicans, Democrats and Independents – representing every town in Saint Lawrence County.
The endorsements build on a robust grassroots organization in the region. As of today, Elise for Congress has already made over 20,000 voter contacts in Saint Lawrence County.
“As an Independent for 18 years, I am proud to endorse Representative Elise Stefanik for re-election,” said Hammond Village Mayor Shelly Youngs. “She has been a steadfast advocate for the priorities of our region. She is not only active in our communities, but takes time to listen to our local leaders across all party lines. I am excited to endorse her candidacy for re-election.”
“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of so many leaders across Saint Lawrence County,” said Congresswoman Stefanik. “From my first day in Congress, I’ve worked on a bipartisan basis with these leaders to deliver real results for families and small businesses in every town in the County.”
“I thank each and every one of these leaders for their bipartisan support, and for the tremendous support of our growing grassroots network of volunteers and supporters across Saint Lawrence County and across the North Country who have joined our campaign to make Washington work for you.”
A complete list of the eighty-two elected officials endorsing Stefanik is below:
Kevin Acres, County Legislator, District 8
Donna Arquiett, Town Clerk, Colton
Wayne Ashley, City Mayor, Ogdensburg
Richard Bardeschewski, Village Trustee, Village of Hermon
Susan Bartlett, Village Clerk, Village of Norwood
Lynn Bishop, Town Council Member, Fowler
George Blatchley, Town Supervisor, Macomb
Dennis Bulger, Town Supervisor, Colton
John Burke, County Legislator, District 12
David Button, Town Supervisor, Canton
Michael Cappellino, Town Supervisor, Fowler
Kathleen Carpenter, Town Council Member, Hermon
Pamela Catanzarite, Town Clerk, Massena
Conrad Cook, Town Council Member, Parishville
Michael Dalton, Village Mayor, Canton
Travis Dann, County Legislator, District 5
Clark Decker, Town Supervisor, Stockholm
Larry Deets, Village Trustee, Village of Richville
Howard Demick, Town Council Member, Hammond
William Demo, Town Council Member, Brasher
Larry Denesha, County Legislator, District 6
Jane Doiron, Village Clerk, Village of Hermon
Cheryl Dumas, Village Clerk, Village of Waddington
Randy Durham, Highway Superintendent, Fowler
Tess Eells, Town Clerk, Russell
Kathy Emlaw, Town Clerk, Norfolk
Dustin Fayette, Town Council Member, Fowler
David Fisher, Town Council Member, Madrid
Cindy Goliber, Town Clerk, Potsdam
Joseph Gray, Town Supervisor, Massena
Donald Greene, Highway Superintendent, Hammond
Ann Hall, Town Council Member, Pitcairn
Michael Hammond, Village Mayor, Rensselaer Falls
Kelly Harmer, Town Clerk, Fowler
Grace Hawley, Town Council Member, Colton
Charles Hooven, Town Supervisor, Clifton
Dan Huntley, Town Council Member, Pierrepont
Anna Hurst, Village Clerk, Village of Heuvelton
Charles Kerr, Town Council Member, Russell
William Knowlton, Village Trustee, Village of Heuvelton
Joel LaPierre, County Legislator, District 4
Nelson Lawrence, Village Trustee, Village of Gouverneur
Jan Lennox, Town Supervisor, Edwards
Joseph Lightfoot, County Legislator, District 3
Mike Livingston, Town Council Member, De Kalb
Mary Mazurkiewicz, Village Clerk, Village of Hammond
Jerry McIntosh, Town Council Member, Pitcairn
Thomas McKay Jr, Town Council Member, DePeyster
Travis McKnight, Town Council Member, Waddington
Robert McNeil, Town Council Member, Lisbon
Brian Mitchell, City Council, City of Ogdensburg
David Murray, Town Clerk, Morristown
Rick Newvine, Town Council Member, Fowler
Alfred Nichols, Town Supervisor, Oswegatchie
Sally Noble, Village Clerk, Village of Canton
Steven Parker Jr, Town Council Member, Hopkinton
Marvin Pickering Jr, Town Council Member, Piercefield
Jane Powers, Town Supervisor, Pierrepont
David Price, City Council, City of Ogdensburg
Bernard Reed Jr, Town Council Member, Hermon
Mark Rice, Town Council Member, Edwards
Ronald Robert, Town Council Member, Colton
Mary Lou Rupp, County Clerk
Gail Schneider, Town Council Member, Lousiville
Francis Sharpstene, Town Supervisor, Clare
Nicholas Sheehan, Village Trustee, Village of Potsdam
Donald Shoen, Town Council Member, Colton
Karen Simmons, Town Council Member, Fowler
Kelly J. Smith II, Highway Superintendent, Clifton
Gilbert Sochia, Town Council Member, Hopkinton
Jeremy Thompson, Town Council Member, Fine
Vicki Thornhill, Town Clerk, Oswegatchie
Joe Timmerman, County Legislator, District 10
Charles Tracy, Town Council Member, Hermon
Harry Turnbull, Town Supervisor, Rossie
Michael Ward, Assesor, Clifton
Karen Wayering, Town Clerk, Hermon
Gary Wells, Town Council Member, Madrid
Timothy White, Town Council Member, Russell
Sherri Wilson, Town Council Member, Lawrence
Susan Wood, Town Supervisor, Hopkinton
Shelly Youngs, Village Mayor, Hammond