Written by Nadine Berbari in the Press-Republican on July 6, 2020
TO THE EDITOR: As a new American and newcomer to the North Country, I have the greatest privilege to participate in the election this year for the first time in my American life by casting my vote.
I obtained my citizenship shortly before settling in Plattsburgh and, needless to say, I take this responsibility very seriously because this country gave me a future, a home, and the ability to choose a candidate I trust to represent my interests and my community’s. My voice, perhaps considered a murmur in the heavy political machinery, will be echoed to Washington when joined with millions of others voting this November.
Before moving here, I decided to do my homework, as any new resident would. Is the economy declining or prospering? Are there any work opportunities? Is it safe? Throughout my research about this region, I learned more about Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. Since she took office in 2005, her work and dedication to the North Country communities have been exemplary. She contributed to the economic growth of our region by supporting local and new businesses, secured millions in funds and grants in agriculture, health, and border control.
Her dedication and passion to her constituents, her region and her country made national headlines. President Trump called her the rising star of the GOP. Considered a moderate in the Republican party, she earned all her colleagues respect and admiration. As an open bipartisan, Stefanik has even won the president’s trust by naming her one of six chairpersons for the 2020 presidential campaign.
In a very divided country with a map filled by either red or blue, Stefanik is the voice of the center. In a time of uncertainty, turmoil, and social changes we need a feel of security and solidarity. We can only achieve it by voting for her.
You can read the full article at https://www.pressrepublican.com