September 24, 2020
Saratoga: Taxin’ Tedra Cobb continues to be all over the place when it comes to healthcare policy. She is on record supporting Medicare for All, even for illegal immigrants, but deleted it from her website to hide from voters. She is also supportive of reinstating the individual mandate, which is a yet another tax on hardworking families that she supports.
Taxin’ Tedra’s healthcare plan:
- Taxin’ Tedra is on record supporting Medicare for All, even for illegal immigrants (before frantically scrubbing it from her website after getting called out)

7 News Watertown: “An older version of Cobb’s web site listed “Tedra’s vision” as “comprehensive health insurance for all United States residents, such as what is detailed in the United States National Health Care Act.” The National Health Care Act was a Democrat proposal first introduced in 2003 that would have created a single payer ‘Medicare for all’ system.”
North Country Now: “Democratic congressional candidate from Canton favors single-payer medical coverage”
The Daily Gazette: “Cobb supports a ‘Medicare for All’ bill that would transfer responsibility for providing health care insurance from private employers to the federal government.”
- Taxin’ Tedra supports the controversial individual mandate, which is a yet another tax on hardworking American families that she supports.
“At the heart of this case is the ACA’s individual mandate, which requires most Americans to purchase health insurance or be taxed. This mandate was deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court in 2012, in a decision defining the mandate as a tax instead of a penalty. But in 2017 the Republican-led tax law eliminated this mandate.
“The plaintiffs say now, without these fines, the whole ACA is invalid.
“Asked if she believes the individual mandate is constitutional, Cobb said she does, adding that is what makes the ACA ‘work.’”