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In her four terms, Chairwoman Elise has delivered real results for her community. Her Bipartisan effort have led to jobs, better health care, veterans benefits, and protections for our rights.

Successfully led the fight to unmask our kids

New York kids, parents, and teachers suffered from illegal, forced mask mandates in our schools. I proudly stood up and fought back against Hochul’s authoritarian mandate until it was successfully lifted. I will never stop fighting for our kids.

Led the fight to oust Corrupt Cuomo

As the 1st federal elected official to call for Corrupt Cuomo’s resignation & arrest following his deadly nursing home cover-up, I have continued to call for his arrest for his various crimes, including sexual assault allegations. I won’t stop until Cuomo is held accountable.

Holding Cuomo Accountable for His Deadly COVID-19 Nursing Home Policy

Cuomo’s nursing home order killed thousands of NY seniors. I advocated for an independent federal investigation into Governor Cuomo’s fatal policy and have led efforts to demand key data and answers from Kathy Hochul. I will continue to fight to hold Cuomo accountable and get answers for NY families.

Supreme Court Delivers Win To New Yorkers’ 2nd Amendment Rights

In June, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the 2nd Amendment in a case challenging New York State’s unconstitutional conceal carry restrictions on law-abiding gun owners. I was proud to be a leader in the effort and helped file an amicus brief in the Supreme Court on this case.

Fighting to Repeal the SAFE Act

When I first ran for Congress I promised I’d do everything I can to REPEAL the unconstituional SAFE ACT. I introduced the Second Amendment Guarantee Act to override the SAFE Act and ensure the protection of our constitutional rights.

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