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In her four terms, Chairwoman Elise has delivered real results for her community. Her Bipartisan effort have led to jobs, better health care, veterans benefits, and protections for our rights.

Supporting Working Mothers

Elise helped pass legislation that requires reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers who need them in order to continue working and supporting their families. Elise will continue to be a strong advocate for our working families in NY-21 and beyond.

David Dorn Act of 2020

With violence & chaos occurring in communities across the country, Elise cosponsored important legislation to reaffirm our commitment to law & order by doubling the maximum imprisonment for rioting to 10 years and establishing a mandatory fine of $1,000. 

Family Support Services for Addiction Act

Elise has met with countless families impacted by addiction, and COVID-19 has increased these challenges. That’s why she worked to pass critical grant funding for national and local community programs that offer support services to combat addiction.

Requiring Inmates to be Tested for COVID Before Being Transferred

Elise asked the Bureau of Prisons and United States Marshal Service to require inmates to be tested for COVID-19 and confirmed negative before they are transferred to any Bureau of Prison quarantine location, which includes the North Country’s FCI Ray Brook. This action protected our correction’s officers and inmates from contracting the virus.

Funding for Plattsburgh International Airpor

Elise announced over $13 million in funding for Plattsburgh International Airport to reconstruct & rehabilitate a runway. Our local airports are a major source of revenue for NY-21, and Elise will continue to support these important development projects.

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Your donation will help bring Elise the support she needs to keep fighting for the issues that matter and provide real results.