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In her four terms, Chairwoman Elise has delivered real results for her community. Her Bipartisan effort have led to jobs, better health care, veterans benefits, and protections for our rights.

Community Transit Funding

I secured over $3 million in community transit funding for Glens Falls. Our North Country communities need direct assistance in order to cover costs related to the COVID-19 outbreak, including transportation costs. I will continue to advocate for direct funding to our communities to provide relief from this unprecedented crisis.

Securing Funding for Our North Country Airports

North Country Airport Funding

I secured nearly $6 million in grant funding for North Country airports, who have taken a financial hit as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Improving these facilities will allow NY-21 residents, as well as visitors, to have enhanced and safe travel opportunities.

Protecting Our River Communities

Fighting for our River Communities on Water Issues

After my advocacy, the International Joint Commissioners addressed the significant water level concerns of our River communities and began an expedited review and additional study of Plan 2014. I have heard directly from constituents impacted by rising water levels and have had the opportunity to see the flooding firsthand, and I will continue to work with the IJC, local elected officials, stakeholders, and affected constituents to ensure that we address their concerns and provide them with the support that they need.

Supporting Meaningful Policing Reforms


I cosponsored the JUSTICE Act, legislation to improve police-community relations, increase transparency and accountability, and improve officer training. I’m proud to support our brave law enforcement and will always fight to give them the resources they need to keep our communities safe.

Securing Telehealth Funding for North Country Families

COVID-19 Telehealth Funding

I was proud to secure over $25,000 in telehealth funding for Families First in Elizabethtown. This funding will ensure that North Country families can remotely receive the behavioral health services that they need, which is especially important during COVID-19.

NBRC Grant Accessibility

NBRC Grant Accessibility

The Northern Border Regional Commission grants and projects have made a significant impact in our communities located along the Canadian border. I have seen the success of many of these projects firsthand, which is why I introduced a bill to make the grant program even more accessible to our local communities. This legislation is an important step in increasing access to the program, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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